Monday, October 26, 2009

Pity you.

Okay. nk dgr cerita tak?

td mmg takda lah replacement lecturer sir azwar.
sabar je kan. penat2 datang berpeluh rejak tp lecturer takda.
last2 decide ngn hawa lepak kat d'galley(kdi mkn).
lepak2 lah smbil gossip2 psl org sekeliling.
yg bestnya kedai tu bukak V channel.
ttbe muncul plak Big bang ngn 2ketul lgu+video clip.
mmg teruja gila lah.
lg2 si korea girl ni(hawa)
gaya mcm nak angkut tv tu bwk balik KP je.
SK hawa!haha.
lepak & gossip smpi lebam then 4.30 msuk kelas cultural.
berderet je class non-stop hbs2 je kelas plg 'cool'. LAW!
dah la ada quiz.
ohmy mmg tak ready lah.
sampai2 dlm kelas mmg ramai lah tak ready msg2 kelamkabut copy note and buat 'toyol msg2.
apa lg copy semua note2 msuk dlm phone.
gila tak senonoh kan?
after 20min, our lecturer, sir hishammudin is coming dgn backpack bucuk dye.
lepas tu kan,,,

sir; sorry i'm late. so we start the quiz now.

n; haa? quiz?

k; what quiz sir?

sir; your quiz 2 lah. aiyoo.

m; haa? hrni juga ke sir?

h; alaaa.

sir; okay. i give u option. you guys want the quiz today or we go for the new topic?

all; tutorial classes lah sir hehe.

sir; okay okay. next week i'll give you the quiz 2 okay.

all; yeayyyyyy(dlm hati)

hhehe jahat ke kami?tak errr.nakal jeh. ;-P
yes.finally quiz postponed, u guys be ready yer fr next class.okay!no more 'lakon2' lg tau.;-P


  1. wahhh...wahh tak ble blah korang yea huhuhu

  2. sekali sekala noy
    lgpun kami mmg tak ready lg for exam

  3. heheheh..mmg mcm tue huuh kte same jea hahah
